It's a work of art.

Last week, you may have seen a certain set of paintings making the rounds on Twitter, featuring a two-dimensional woman painted in broad brushstrokes. At first glance, nothing seems odd about the images, but look a little closer (namely, at the caption), and your jaw is bound to drop. The “paintings” are actually the work of 22-year-old makeup artist from France, Buzzfeed reports. Kenza (the MUA in question), who just completed a course in professional makeup, created them as her final project — by turning herself into an IRL work of art.
While each picture looks completely two-dimensional, Kenza actually painted her body to look like a flat painting, then posed in front of different backgrounds and snapped pictures at each. But, no matter how closely you look, she seems to blend in seamlessly with the background. Even her face and hair look totally flat, a feat that social media can’t get over. She told Buzzfeed that she was inspired by the artist Alexa Meade, who uses the same technique to create the ultimate optical illusions.
Since Kenza posted her project online, it’s picked up more than 10,000 retweets (and counting!). And while she has apparently yet to receive a grade on her work, we’re guessing this one will score full marks.